Hygiene recommendations and measures
we pay attention to increased hygienicmeasures, your safety and health potection. Please excuse the reduced comfort in hotel rooms. We apologize for restrictions on some service to which youwere accustomed. Please followhygienic principles and procedures.
We wish you a pleasant stay and thank you for your understanding.
Team of BellevueHotel Benešov.
Entrance with face mask
Please enter to the inside of the hotel only with mouth and nose protection. Disposable face masks are available on reception.
Hand disinfection and increased personal hygiene
After entering to the hotel, please disinfect your hands and pay attention to increased personal hygiene.
Disinfectant dispensers are available in all public areas (lobby, toilets).
Maintaining a safe distance
Keep a safedistance of at least 2 meters from other customers and staff.
Follow the instructions and recommendations of staff.
Pay cashless
Please pay cashless by card or mobile phone.
Use a disinfectant after handling the payment terminal or money.
Room cleaning
Rooms are regularly and intensively cleaned after each stay according to strčit hygienic standards.
We intensively clean and disinfect all contact surfaces and objects, such as keys, handles, lifting buttons, switches etc.
Hotel restaurant
The hotel restaurant is only open for breakfast (Mo - Fri: 7 a.m. -10 a.m. / Sat - Sun 8 a.m. - 10 a.m.).
For hygienic and safety reasons the restaurant is closed except For breakfast and private events.
Decoration in rooms
We removed decorations and textiles from the guest rooms.
Each roomis cleaned afterthe guest's departure according to strčit hygiene regulations and standards.